For many years FM systems were used primarily for individuals that had a hearing impairment. In recent years, research has shown how an FM system can lend benefit to individuals with other difficulties, for example, auditory processing disorder (APD).

A study by Johnston and others entitled, ” Multiple benefits of personal FM system use by children with auditory processing disorder (APD)”, documented these findings. Among the results of FM use were:

  1.  speech perception improvement in noisy classroom environment
  2.  significant academic and psycho-social benefits
  3.  after prolonged FM use, even unaided (no FM device) speech-perception performance was improved in the children with APD, suggesting the possibility of fundamentally enhanced auditory system function

Using an FM system for classroom learning can benefit both those with hearing loss in addition to students who need an extra auditory aid to help with the processing and learning process. Auditory processing disorder impacts roughly 5% of all school-age children and makes the learning process incredibly difficult. Others who experience APD include people on the autism spectrum, around 15% of military veterans (due to blast exposure), and older adults who are experiencing hearing loss.

Colleges and universities frequently admit students who fall into the populations written about above. Unfortunately, these students who deal with auditory processing disorders may not realize that there is help for them.

The Phonak Roger personal FM listening systems were created for students in these situations. Regardless of whether a student has dealt with APD their entire life, is a service member returning to college with recently acquired APD, or is an older adult working on completing a degree with age-related hearing loss, personal FM listening systems can help improve speech recognition and their ability to interact.

By using a personal FM system for classroom instruction, sounds are more easily distinguished and language can be comprehended, enabling complete classroom participation. One of the most significant problems holding students back from engaging is being unable to distinguish the speech of their classmates, teachers, and professors. FM systems for classrooms helps solve this problem.

Students shouldn’t have to worry about straining to distinguish the words that are being spoken. Personal FM systems for classroom instruction enable students to confidently participate in discussions, presentations, and lectures.

If you’d like to read the findings in their entirety, or have another question, send me an email at: